Technology within HR has become increasingly important and those who don't adapt to all these available technologies end up being left behind. Technology in HR has the role of facilitating the routine and day-to-day activities of professionals in the area and the people involved, as it automates bureaucratic tasks such as: calculating hours worked, vacations, salaries, variable remuneration for the team, among others, while also helping to make decision-making and achieving the sector's goals quicker and easier.
Technology in the HR sector has been a much-discussed topic recently, all thanks to the digital transformation, which allows professionals to use artificial intelligence, Big Data, software with SaaS technology, among others, to their advantage. This gives them greater proximity to the team and time to plan new strategic actions for the company.
The growth of technology in HR
As we've already mentioned, technology in HR has evolved a lot thanks to the digital transformation, making the world highly globalized and competitive. That's why companies are using Big Data and Business Intelligence tools to help reduce the volume of incorrect data or even data stored in physical spaces.
HR management programs and tools help to keep track of demands, achieve goals and, above all, make decisions, thus helping to increase the team's productivity in a more strategic way.
What are the main technologies used in technological HR?
Thinking about the countless options that technology offers for the HR sector, we've listed here some of the top 3 tools and technologies used so that you can apply them in your company. Check them out below!
- Big Data
With Big Data, it is possible to create, store and also analyze information. In addition to the large amounts of data, it is possible to organize this information in various media formats (texts, images, videos, etc.). This provides important insights for the organization.
- Artificial Intelligence
Increasingly present and easily accessible, artificial intelligence in HR is bringing major positive changes to the area of HR and people management. Software that uses artificial intelligence helps to streamline and automate many internal bureaucratic processes.
- SaaS software
Software that offers SaaS services is a technological tool that uses cloud storage, i.e. it works online. In this way, it doesn't require the use of equipment and servers to store and access data, helping to reduce costs and optimize processes in the sector.
The impact of technology on HR
As we have seen throughout the text, HR has used technology as its great ally to generate new opportunities and personalize information. All this with the aim of helping HR management processes and having greater precision in decisions, providing competitive advantages and promoting greater value for the organization. It also optimizes bureaucratic and repetitive tasks, helping to boost productivity and strengthen healthy competitiveness.
Technology in HR even has an impact on the company's information unit, because today technology allows us to keep all the important information in a communication hierarchy and organized.
Another very positive and important impact of technology in HR is the measurement of results and control of the amounts invested in remuneration for targets for companies. This technology has helped to eliminate unnecessary spending and invest in what really works.
If you want to know more about how AchieveMore Technology can help your company's HR, contact our team and we'll help you evolve along with the transformation. (click here)